This feature is not Generally Available yet. You can refer to this document only if your Aqua environment is enabled with the feature, Suppression of image vulnerabilities. If you are interested to experience this, please contact Aqua Support for enabling the feature.

This feature applies only to container images, not to VMware Tanzu applications.


This tab presents all the security issues (vulnerabilities, sensitive data, and malware) that you have suppressed in the images. This page shows all the vulnerabilities that are suppressed manually or automatically through a suppression rule.

Filter and search the list

You can optionally filter the list of suppressions by any of these criteria:

  • Risk name, repository, image, or resource
  • Type of security risk: vulnerability, malware, or sensitive data
  • Whether a vendor fix is available for the risk
  • Whether a suppression applied manually or automatically through a suppression rule. This filter is applicable to vulnerabilities only as they can be suppressed either manually or through a suppression rule.

Actions available

Clicking on any row in the list will show a panel containing details of the suppression:

The following actions are available at the bottom of the panel:

  • Unsuppress (cancel the suppression) if the suppression is created manually
  • Set the expiration of the suppression (if none had been set) if it is created manually
  • Update the expiration of the suppression if it is created manually
  • If a suppression is created automatically through a suppression rule, a link to the suppression rule is available. Click the link to navigate to the Images > Suppression Rules tab where you can see the suppression rule configuration which has suppressed the security issue.

See Apply and Manage Security Issue Manual Suppressions for further information.